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Crystal bowls

Sound Journey
with Quarts Crystals Bowls

   Sound Journey Session

Crystal Singing Bowls are quartz crystal vessels that produce a clear, pure-tone 
resonant sound when vibration is introduced into them.
Let your body and senses bathe in the bliss of gentle sound and blended tones of crystal singing bowls. Experience the powerful benefits of these meditative tools and deepen your sense of well being through stillness and desired rest. Take your body on a sound journey and return feeling refreshed, focused, and clear.
60 min.  $85





Immerse yourself within soothing, deeply nourishing, healing sound vibrations.  A Sound Journey with quartz crystal bowls is a gentle and effective way to bring harmony to your body, mind, and soul.

  • Studies show that sound can produce changes in the autonomic, immune, endocrine, and neuropeptide systems. 

  • While you are listening to and feeling the sound waves over your body, stress and tension instantly are released and a relaxed meditative state can be achieved quickly.

  • The sound waves in combination with the intention create a powerful sound field with potential for healing on all levels: physical, emotional, spiritual, and mental.

  • Space is created for expansion of consciousness and for more integration of Ones' own higher frequencies of Divine Self.

  • Your session will be uniquely tailored to your needs.

Benefits from a Sound Journey Session may include:

  • Deep relaxation and decreased stress

  • A deeper feeling of connectedness

  • Release of energy blockages

  • Physical and emotional relief, a reduction of pain, and anxiety

  • Increased immune function

  • Unlocking of emotional blockages



Sacred Sounds for Birth

I will teach you and your birth team everything you need to know about how you can prepare and how they can support you using the power of sound.

  • learn all about the many benefits of toning during labour with or without a crystal singing bowl 

  • learn how to use your voice without inhibitions before, during and after the birth

  • learn how your partner or birth support person can play your crystal singing bowl to support you and stay connected with you during labour

You will all leave feeling confident about using sound as a tool to support you during labour.

Learn to use sound during pregnancy


  • Sound is a powerful tool during pregnancy to clear, charge and balance your energy field.

  • It is a pathway into learning exactly how to relax your mind and body in the same way you will need to during labour.  

  • Clear challenging energies before birth for an easier labor

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