miHealth Sessions
What is a mihealth?
The miHealth is a handheld bioelectric and body-field device, combining (and improving on) a number of established technologies with our one-of-a-kind information-based technology. The miHealth completely revolutionizes three technologies, making the unit as unique as powerful. Let’s touch on all three:

PEMF: Pulsed Electromagnetic Frequencies
PEMF has been around for decades and is known for a lot of benefits. But there’s a debate in the PEMF community about whether to use strong or weak fields. That’s never been an issue for the miHealth because completely sidesteps this issue. You won’t get a reading from it on an EMF reader because the PEMF we use is so gentle … and completely different from every other device.
TENS: Transcutaneous Electrical Nerve Stimulation
Typically, TENS electrically beats up on the nerves until it wears them out and they stop sending pain signals. As a result, it can help with short-term pain relief.
But the miHealth takes a more elegant approach. The miHealth goes beyond TENS and makes it smart, rather than a bludgeon.
SCENAR: Self-Controlled Energy Adaptive Regulation
Normal SCENAR devices are either set to particular frequencies, or they run up and down bands of frequencies to try interacting with the nervous system. And over the years, they have plenty of proven results.
But the miHealth provides precise and efficient biofeedback. This is because the miHealth is the only bioelectric technology using resonance frequencies in harmony with the body based on decades of our own research. In other words, the miHealth takes the guesswork out and provides real answers.
Choose the a miHealth Session Based on Your Needs
miHealth sessions greatly enhance the health benefits of your massage!
Energetic Rejuvenators Session • Clear Energetic Blocks • Promote Rejuvenation

* Requires a BioEnergetic Scan prior to your session
Needless acupuncture treatment is done using Microcurrent Point Stimulation on the meridians.
• The MiHealth is utilized to work with the Energetic Rejuvenators (ER’s). Priorities indicated in your personal scan.
• Prior to your miHealth ER session a Bioenergetic scan indicates specific anatomical points on your body where there are energetic blocks.
• In your miHealth ER’s session, we use the MiHealth device to support your Meridians, to clear energetic blocks, and promote energetic and physical rejuvenation.
Massage and miHealth session

Using the MiHealth to work with the Energetic Rejuvenators (ER’s). Your Bioenergetic scan indicates specific anatomical points on the body where there are energetic blocks. We use the MiHealth to support the anatomical location of the priority points, Meridians, indicated by your bioenergetic scan.
In your miHealth ER’s session, we use the MiHealth device to clear energetic blocks and promote rejuvenation of that area of the body. All the ER readings are also associated with the same Energetic Integrator and the associated acupuncture meridian pathways, both external and internal. We call this Quantum Energetic Acupuncture.
To add depth to the rejuvenating process the body-mind- emotion association can be used to help you identify underlying emotional/mental blocks. Appropriate resolution techniques such as EFT, TFT, NLP and others can then be used at the same time as the miHealth ER function is running.
Needless acupuncture treatment is done using Microcurrent Point Stimulation.
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Using the MiHealth to work with the Energetic Rejuvenators (ER’s). Your Bioenergetic scan indicates specific anatomical points on the body where there are energetic blocks. We use the MiHealth to support the anatomical location of the priority points, Meridians, indicated by your bioenergetic scan.
In your miHealth ER’s session, we use the MiHealth device to clear energetic blocks and promote rejuvenation of that area of the body. All the ER readings are also associated with the same Energetic Integrator and the associated acupuncture meridian pathways, both external and internal. We call this Quantum Energetic Acupuncture.
To add depth to the rejuvenating process the body-mind- emotion association can be used to help you identify underlying emotional/mental blocks. Appropriate resolution techniques such as EFT, TFT, NLP and others can then be used at the same time as the miHealth ER function is running.
Needless acupuncture treatment is done using Microcurrent Point Stimulation.
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Using the MiHealth to work with the Energetic Rejuvenators (ER’s). Your Bioenergetic scan indicates specific anatomical points on the body where there are energetic blocks. We use the MiHealth to support the anatomical location of the priority points, Meridians, indicated by your bioenergetic scan.
In your miHealth ER’s session, we use the MiHealth device to clear energetic blocks and promote rejuvenation of that area of the body. All the ER readings are also associated with the same Energetic Integrator and the associated acupuncture meridian pathways, both external and internal. We call this Quantum Energetic Acupuncture.
To add depth to the rejuvenating process the body-mind- emotion association can be used to help you identify underlying emotional/mental blocks. Appropriate resolution techniques such as EFT, TFT, NLP and others can then be used at the same time as the miHealth ER function is running.
Needless acupuncture treatment is done using Microcurrent Point Stimulation.
Introducing the miHealth Device
When it comes to supporting your health, results are the bottom line. Fast results are even better. That’s why you’ll love to know about the miHealth, where 88% of participants in a large Outcome Study saw improvement after just one session.
For the best results, work with your practitioner on a program designed for your needs. The miHealth can be purchased directly from your practitioner.