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Our system decodes the Human Body-Field to get to the root cause. It is the easiest, most effective, and most educative platform in bioenergetic healing.


Nes health Scanner

NES Health

Bioenergetic Scan
Plus Practitioner Consultation

NES Health Bioenergetic Scan Consult & Infoceuticals


NES Health Bioenergetics is one of the most compelling healing systems in the world.
It works quickly, the protocol is simple and it has tremendous benefits. 

Benefits Include: 

  • Increased Energy

  • Better Sleep

  • Better Mood

  • Better absorption of nutrients

  • Reduced pain

What You Get:

  • 60 minute consult to review your scan

  • Personal portal login to view your scan and learn

  • 5 Infoceuticals

A NES Health Scan Reveals:

  • Energy blockages. Your scan will identify energy blockages in the human body-field and pinpoint the strength of the energy being produced by various systems and organs

  • Nutritional issues: The scan report will highlight current challenges in absorption, the state of your metabolic processes, and intolerance(s) to certain foods.

  • Your Exposure to environmental toxins and sensitivities: a NES Health scan determines what environmental factors, toxic metals, chemicals, and EMFs you have been exposed to and the body’s ability to handle their impact when present.

  • Emotional and mental analysis: Helps identify past shocks and traumas that are negatively impacting your physical health.  


It's recommended that you do a re-scan every 30 days. Ideally, you want to do this a few days before you run out of infoceuticals so that there is no disruption in your program. 

For repeat scans, you have two options: 

  • Repeat Scan and Consultation: ($180): Receive 30 min. consultation with your NES Health practitioner, along with an interactive report of your NES Scan, PDF’s that help you understand all the health issues identified in the scan, and 5 Infoceuticals. 

  • Scan and Report Option, No Consultation ($99): Receive the report of your  NES Scan, PDF’s that help you understand all the health issues identified in the scan, and Infoceutical recommendations.

NES Bio-scanner Purchase $99  *Special offer $50

 *Please note that NES Bio-scanners will be accompanied by a fixed shipping price of $13.70 


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